September 29, 2024

St. Paul United Church of Christ, Taylor, Michigan
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost/ September 29, 2024


Jesus was fanatic about opening up the commonwealth of God to those nobody wanted to see; he was fanatic about extending hospitality to those considered no more than property.   (The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad)

 Ringing of the Bell

 Announcements/ Welcome                                   Rev. Linda Anderson

 Prelude                                                        Shirley Lande, accompanist


*Call to Worship (Psalm 34)                                  Peggy Staten, liturgist

One: Let us bless the Lord at all times;
All: God’s praise shall continually be upon our lips.
One: O magnify the Lord with me;
All: Let us exalt the Lord’s name together.
One: O taste and see that the Lord is good;
All: happy are those who take refuge in God.
One: Come, let us worship God!

*Hymn No. 56 “For The Beauty of the Earth”

*Morning Prayer                                                    Peggy Staten, liturgist

 O God, our Creator and Sustainer: we come with thanksgiving for these moments when we can ease the pace of our lives and listen for your voice. Create a spirit within us that truly draws us toward you and toward our brother and sisters; a spirit deep, perceptive, gentle and bold. Clear our minds, open our hearts and touch us with your presence and your power. We offer this prayer in the name of our Lord, Jesus the Christ.  

Special Music  “Ruth”

First Lesson  Isaiah 35:3-8a                                  Peggy Staten, liturgist                                                                                     Gospel Lesson  Mark 9:30-41

Message  “A New Man In Town”                                      Rev. Anderson

*Hymn No. 323  “Wonderful Words of Life”

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures

 here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, 

 Son, and Holy host.  Amen.

A Time of Prayer/ Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever Amen.

*Hymn No. 431  “Go, My Children with My Blessing”

*Dismissal with Blessing

Postlude /Recessional: Please remain in your pews as the Light of Christ leads the way into the world at the close of service.

*Congregation standing as you are able.



WELCOME TO ALL SHARING TODAY’S WORSHIP SERVICE IN PERSON AND FACEBOOK LIVESTREAMING You must have a Facebook account to view our Worship Services.  An email address is required. It is possible to have a Facebook account not connected to social media.  Please contact Dan Case, Gary Peters, or Michael Isaacs for more information.

NO COFFEE HOUR TODAY. Coffee Hour will resume on Sunday, October 6, 2024, due to our Fall Rummage Sale.

SUNDAY SCHOOL children will gather upstairs for lessons, crafts, and fun.

BIBLE STUDY gathers on Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. in the Parlor. Come and enjoy lively discussion and fellowship.

EXERCISE CLASS meets Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. upstairs. They also meet the first Thursday of the month at 10:30.  Watch this space for any changes/ updates.

RUMMAGE SALE items continue to be accepted through 12 noon on Tuesday, October 1.  Fall Rummage Sale is Thursday, October 3, Friday, October 4, and Saturday, October 5. Volunteers are also welcome anytime during sorting/ pricing, during the sale and clean up after.  Please see chairwoman, Toni Hill for more information.



                                               Calendar Week September 29– October 6

Sunday        Worship Service 10:00 a.m. – Rev. Linda Anderson

                      Blue Jean Sunday/ Sunday School 10:00 a.m./

Tuesday       Bible Study 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Exercise 10:30 a.m.

Thursday      Rummage Sale 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m./ Exercise 10:30 a.m.

Friday           Rummage Sale 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Saturday      Rummage Sale 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Sunday         Worship 10:00 a.m. – Rev. Linda Anderson

                      Communion/ Christian Education & Teacher Meeting 9:15 a.m./ Sunday School



Reverend Linda Anderson, senior interim minister

Shirley Lande, Accompanist; Peggy Staten, Liturgist;

Pam Lange, Council Rep; Jeannette Wackro, Deacon


CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRY is seeking candy donations for our annual Trunk or Treat event October 20, 2024, in our circular dive. Candy donations can be dropped off upstairs in the Welcome center in the silver tub. If you would like to decorate your trunk a sign-up sheet is located upstairs. For more information, see Candace Poet, Superintendent.

CPR AND FIRST AID Heartsaver: CPR with AED CLASS & First-aid Class by the American Heart Association will be offered October 10 or 11 form 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. for CPR. October 12, 1-5 p.m. for First aid. Certification is valid for two years. Books are distributed two weeks prior to class. For safety reasons, we try to have at least one certified person in each sub-organization within our church. We never know when an emergency may occur. Please contact Kathy Williams to sign or for more information. If you are already certified, please add your name to our list.

FOURTH SUNDAY DESIGNATED AS “MISSION SUNDAY” and items collected will be blessed at this time.  St. Paul UCC Supports and Supplies the Needs of Local Community Outreach Programs. During September, we helped feed the homeless and downcast. We collected paper products and breakfast foods for the center. Please contact Pastor Schalm with any questions.

GREETINGS! Long time member Lois Rice has moved to a senior Citizen facility in East Lansing to be closer to family members. She thinks of her St. Paul UCC family often and misses us. She wishes us all well. Lois is settling into her new home and is adjusting very well with many activities, including an on-site Bible class and weekly church services.

FELLOWSHIP OF CONCERN: Mave Rischel, Pam Jones, Rosemarie Laslo, John Smith, Barbara Brewer, Julius Enesey, Justine Kimbler, Robert Black, Sandi Rose, Carol Wioncek, Sally Sigman, Joan Smarr, Barbara Gish, Vicki Simon, Irene Stoner, Al Wierzbicki, Andrea Matney, Kelly Potter, Freeman Floyd, Anna Thomson, F. Scott Miller, Susan & Dennis Bennett, Tony Koths, Diane Williams, Alicia Hagen, Ailani Flores, Sue Milatz, Linda Tank, Rachel Tank, Jennifer Lee, Kyle Hard, Bill Pattenaude, Randy Snelson, Ted Butkin, Kevin Siemers, Rhonda Wioncek Berndt, Jeff MacZink.