June 16, 2024

St. Paul United Church of Christ, Taylor, Michigan
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Father’s Day, June 16, 2024


As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. ~Psalm 103:13

Ringing of the Bell

Announcements & Welcome                                  Pastor Cheryl Schalm

Opening Voluntary

*Unison Call to Worship                                       Kaitlyn Isaacs, liturgist

Come, bless the Lord with me! For the Lord is like a father to his children compassionate and merciful, filled with endless love. He forgives our sins, and heals the sickness inside us; he surrounds us with love and mercy and fills our lives with good things! Let’s worship God together!

Morning Greeting of Congregation 

Children’s Chapel, “Dear Old Dad”

A Father’s Day Poem                       Elizabeth Ruffner & Luke Barnosky

Family of God: I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God, I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus, as we travel this sod; for I’m part of the family, the Family of God.

*Hymn No. 59 “This Is My Father’s World”

*Prayer of the Day                                                Kaitlyn Isaacs, liturgist

One: Let us pray.

All: Loving God, you who are our father and our mother, we thank you that you have shown us how important it is to follow your example as we grow in faith. Teach us to be obedient to your will, respecting you as children ought. Thank you for your mercy despite our disobedience. Strengthen us to stand up against the challenges of this world, honoring your name and trusting your grace. In the Name of your Son, we pray. Amen.

Solo  “Precious Lord, Take My Hand,”     Tracy Hoffman, Music  Director

Mission Moment & Time of Sharing

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all  

      creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye 

      heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

First Lesson: Proverbs 3:1-12                                Kaitlyn Isaacs, liturgist

Gospel Lesson: Luke 15:11-32

Message: “A Father’s Love and A Child’s Journey,”         Pastor Schalm

*Hymn No. 86 “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” 

Baccalaureate Roll  (See Listing Below)

Graduate Prayer                               Eleanor Ruffner & Gracie Barnosky

*Hymn No. 75  “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry”

Closing Prayer                                                Hayley & Drake Dykowski

Lord’s Prayer                                                         Everett Hard, liturgist
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever Amen.

*Dismissal with Blessing

Closing Voluntary/ Recessional: Please remain in your pews as the Light of Christ leads the way into the world at close of service.

WELCOME TO ALL SHARING TODAY’S WORSHIP SERVICE IN PERSON AND FACEBOOK LIVESTREAMING You must have a Facebook account to view our Worship Services.  An email address is required. It is possible to have a Facebook account not connected to Social Media. Please contact Dan Case, Gary Peters, or Michael Isaacs if you need more information.

SUNDAY SCHOOL IS GATHERING upstairs for lesson, crafts, snacks, and fun.

COFFEE HOUR All men will be honored with a special ‘Donuts for Dads’ reception following worship, hosted by our Christian Education ministry. Everyone is invited to join our Father’s Day celebration in Fellowship Hall.


                                               Calendar Week June 16 – June 23

Sunday        Worship Service 10:00 a.m. – Pastor Cheryl Schalm

                      Baccalaureate Sunday/ Father’s Day/ Mission Sunday/ Sunday School 10:00

a.m. / Donuts for Dads 11:00 a.m.

Tuesday       Bible Study 10:30 a.m. / Cabinet 6:30 p.m.

Thursday     Sewing Guild Sew ‘N Sews 10:00 a.m.

Sunday         Worship 10:00 a.m. – Rev. Linda Anderson

                      Summer Sunday School 10:00 a.m./ Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m.

NO EXERCISE CLASS Wednesdays, June 19, June 26, July 3 or Thursday, July 4.  Class will resume on Wednesday, July 10, 10:30 a.m.    

THIRD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH DESIGNATED AS “MISSION SUNDAY” and items collected will be blessed at that time.  Today we will recognize and bless all baby items to celebrate Jesus’ half birthday.  Items will go to Downriver Pregnancy Resource Center.  July’s Mission:  Bear Patrol.  Donate a new stuffed bear for police and CPS workers to give to children facing trauma.  A donation box is in the Narthex for anyone interested in donating.  Please contact Pastor Schalm with any questions.

YOUTH SUMMER MISSION TRIP JUNE 24-28 Sent to Serve, is this year’s mission trip theme. As Christians, we are called to spread the Good News of God’s goodness, love, grace, and salvation. As followers of Christ, we are to be obedient to His ways, caring for those in need and putting others before ourselves. Over the course of the week, youth will be doing just that. Along with their chaperones and mission site leaders, they will be serving the homeless, disabled, families and children being supported through various outreach programs. It is my hope and prayer that through witness and service offered and received, participants will grow a larger heart for Christ and a deeper understanding of His love and promises. In addition to serving, we will partake in daily devotions and enjoy fun evening activities. See Pastor Schalm for an informational packet.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS SOUGHT TO TEACH one Sunday over the summer. All curriculum, materials and snacks are provided. A sign-up sheet is on the Christian Education Welcome Center desk upstairs. Contact Pastor Schalm to secure a date and/or for more information.

WEARING NAME TAGS WILL HELP everyone put a name to our faces.  If you need to update or get a new tag, please contact the church office.  Cost is $9.00.

FELLOWSHIP OF CONCERN: Betty Mayfield, Robert Black, Christine Schwab, Fred Miller, Sandi Rose, Carol Wioncek, Sally Sigman, Joan Smarr, Vicki Simon, Pam Pierce, Justine Kimbler, Susan & Dennis Bennett, Diane Brainard, Tony Koths, Ron Cichowicz, Brody Howell, Alicia Hagen, Ailani Flores, Sue Milatz, Linda Tank, Rachel Tank, Jennifer Lee, Kyle Hard, Bill Pattenaude, Randy Snelson, Ted Butkin, Kevin Siemers, Rhonda Wioncek Berndt, Jeff MacZink, Steve, neighbor, Vicki and Dale Simon.

Our mission at St. Paul United Church of Christ is to promote God’s plan of salvation in our church, family, and community.  Knowing that all blessings come from God, we seek to share these in the church universal and proclaim God’s good news of His love and compassion bringing together all people in Jesus Christ.   




Olivia Craig*

Master Degree – Family & Consumer Sciences – Western Michigan University

Parents:  Sheri Herkimer, Michael Drapeau

Grandparent:  Eileen Herkimer


Ethan Hard*

High School Diploma – Woodhaven High School

Parents:  Kyle & Mary Hard

Grandparents:  William & Sheryl Schwab, Paul & Jackie Hard

Godparent:  Christine Schwab

Future Plans:  Auto Body & Collision Certifications, Employed at Crest Ford, Flat Rock pursuing more certifications.


Alexander Ogonowski*

High School Diploma – Airport High School

Parents:  Joeseph & Inez Ogonowski

Grandparents:  Larry & the late Loretta Kurtsel, Alexander & Theresa Ogonowski

Future Plans:  Monroe Community College – Electrical Apprenticeship


Jacob Miller*

University of Michigan, Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science

Parents:  Jason & Julia-Joy Miller

Grandparents: Jack & Brenda Miller


Jordyn Marie Miller*

Bachelor of Arts – Creative Advertising/ Entrepreneurship – Minor Michigan State University

Parents:  Jack & Jennifer Miller

Grandparents:  Dan & Dorothy Evison, Jack & Brenda Miller

Future Plans: Advertising


Anthony Daniel Staten*

High School Diploma – Huron High School, New Boston

Parent:  Ricky Staten

St. Paul Grandparents:  Roger & Peggy Staten

Future Plans:  M.I.A.T. School, Canton – airplane mechanic


Faith Marie Vignola*

Master’s Degree – Urban & Regional Planning – Michigan State University, College of Social Science

Parents:  Richard & Michelle Vignola

Grandparents:  Suzanne Mrowka, Gerard & Collette Vignola, Roy & Marge DeBolt

Future Plans:  Employment, Spicer Group as a Community Planner


Jacob Wright*

High School Diploma – Woodhaven High School

Parents:  Eric & Charmaine Wright

Grandparents:  Gary & Kathy Peters, Bob & Kathy Wright

Future Plans:  Schoolcraft College majoring in Business


Other graduates: *Kyler Ostrowski, High School Diploma - Gibraltar High School, son, Chri & Rebecca Ostrowski; grandson, Joe & Betty Mayfield

College Graduates: 

Tyler Underwood, Master of Science (GPA 4.0), Boston University, nephew, Doug and Janet Staffeld.

Trevor Underwood, Master’s degree, Biomedical Engineering (GPA 4.0), U of M, Ann Arbor, nephew of Doug and Janet Staffeld.

*Indicates graduates who are current St. Paul members