
On Becoming A Member

"... where two or three are gathered in my name., there I am in the midst of them."
-- Matthew 18:20


Thank You for Considering Membership!

St. Paul United Church of Christ joyously welcomes those who wish to become members of our congregation. At the same time, our congregation recognizes that the decision to become a member is not something that should be pressured or rushed. Our church leaves it to you and your family to decide if and when you want to become a full participant in the life of our congregation. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will guide you and your family in your decision.

"Starting Line" Class Offered for Newcomers

All newcomers are encouraged to participate in a three-session "Starting Line" Class. The informal class is led by our church's pastor and lay members of the congregation. The "Starting Line" sessions will introduce you to other newcomers, as well as orient you to our church and the wider United Church of Christ. During the "Starting Line" program, participants have an opportunity to reflect on their own faith journey, as well as learn about the history of the Christian churches and what it means to be a part of the United Church of Christ Those who wish to become church members are officially greeted and received at St. Paul United Church in a special ceremony held three different times each year. As part of the membership ceremony, newcomers are either baptized or asked to affirm their baptism. Those welcomed into membership are presented with a carnation, copy of the church constitution and bylaws, and a directory of members.

In order to maintain an active membership, our Constitution and By-laws require members to attend worship, to participate in communion, and to make a financial contribution of record to support the ministry of the congregation. During worship, members are encouraged to make use of the "Ministry of Friendship" folio and the pew communion cards to formally indicate their attendance and participation. Our church elders review our church membership rolls to insure that we have an accurate roster of active members. Lapsed or inactive members are contacted at least annually about whether they wish to continue their membership. Members who are relocating to other communities but wish to maintain ties to St. Paul United Church of Christ may do so by requesting associate member status.

Although many associate members return at least once per year on special occasions to worship with us, the customary means of maintaining their active associate membership is through a financial contribution of record. All associate members receive our church newsletter and other mailings. At their request, their children may also be baptized here.

St. Paul United Church has become the church it is today because of the contributed talent, labor and support of its members. Your own active participation at St. Paul United Church can make a big difference as our church seeks to offer a continuing witness to Jesus Christ through a ministry in the Downriver communities.

If you have questions about membership or are ready to join our congregation as a full participant, please alert the pastor or church staff by completing a pew card and placing it in the offering plate or by contacting the church office (313-291-1221).