Health Ministries

Our Health Ministries

"O Lord my God, I cried to thee for help and thou has healed me." --Psalm 30:2


Throughout his ministry Jesus healed many men and women who came to him in need. In the same loving spirit of Christ the Apostle John later writes to a fellow disciple and church leader: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may be well with you..." (3 John 2) Jesus' example, coupled with the simple words of John's letter, is a reminder that as we walk together in faith we are called to be solicitous of one another's spiritual and physical health. With this in mind, our congregation prays in worship each week for those who are struggling with various physical, emotional, and spiritual health issues. During the year we also host special worship services for the anointing of the sick and the comfort of the grieving. Pastoral care is provided by our Minister, our Health Ministries Coordinator, Kathy Williams and the Visiting Elders, who visit or correspond with church members who are hospitalized or home bound. Our pastoral team also organizes and hosts various support groups and education wellness activities that further affirm the positive mind, body, and spirit connection. The programs are announced through the Sunday Morning Tide bulletin, the monthly Tidings newsletter, and email alerts.

Visiting Elders

The St. Paul Visiting Elders assist the Minister and Health Ministries Coordinator, Kathy Williams in pastoral care to church members. Besides telephoning home-bound church members and regularly sending cards, they make home visits, based upon assignments at monthly meetings. The goal of the Visiting Elders is to insure that those no longer able to attend church because of disability or infirmity remain within our congregation's circle of care. New volunteers are always welcome the Visiting Elders. Training and orientation are provided. Monthly meetings are announced through the monthly Tidings newsletter and e-mail .

Mind, Body, and Spirit Classes

From September to June a variety of special programs and multi-session classes are held at St. Paul United Church of Christ that promote health and healing from a spiritually oriented perspective. Recent health-related programs have addressed personal nutrition, diabetes management,  stress reduction, chronic disease, exercise, "Matter of Balance" classes, "Chronic Pain Management" class, medicare informational  session,  First Aid classes and CPR classes.
Visit our "Health Activities" page under "What's Happening" for current Program and Class information.